2nd December 2024

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Hoton Parish Council Serving the people of Hoton, Leicestershire

Public Spaces Protection Order
Dog Control Charnwood Borough Council 2016

We have a Public Spaces protection Order in place to deal with various dog control issues, The Order outlines expectations on dog owners in the Borough. A copy of the PSPO in full is attached below, a summary of the Order:

  1. Fouling

If within the administrative area of the Council a dog defecates at any time on land to which the public or any section of the public has access, on payment or otherwise, as of right or by virtue of express or implied permission and a person who is in charge of the dog at that time fails to remove the faeces from the land forthwith, that person shall be guilty of an offence unless:

(a) he has reasonable excuse for failing to do so: or

(b) the owner, occupier or other person or authority having control of the land has consented (generally or specifically) to his failing to do so

2. Leads by Order

A person in charge of a dog shall be guilty of an offence if, at any time, on land detailed in Schedule 1 does not comply with a direction given to him by an officer authorised by the Council to put and keep the dog on a lead (no more than 1.5 metres in length) unless:

(a) he has reasonable excuse for failing to do so: or

(b) the owner, occupier or other person or authority having control of the land has consented (generally or specifically) to his failing to do so.

3. Leads

A person in charge of a dog shall be guilty of an offence if, at any time, on land detailed in Schedule 2 below he does not keep the dog on a lead no more than 1.5 metres in length unless:

(a) he has reasonable excuse for failing to do so: or

(b) the owner, occupier or other person or authority having control of the land has consented (generally or specifically) to his failing to do so.

4. Exclusion

A person in charge of a dog shall be guilty of an offence if, at any time, he takes the dog onto, or permits the dog to enter or remain on, any land detailed in Schedule 3 below unless:

(a) he has reasonable excuse for failing to do so: or

(b) the owner, occupier or other person or authority having control of the land has consented (generally or specifically) to his failing to do so.

A full copy of the Order including exemptions can be seen using the link below:

Public Spaces Protection Order Dog Control Charnwood Borough Council 2016 (PDF Document, 2.32 Mb)


Our Street Wardens, Enforcement Officers, the Dog Warden and Officers authorised as partners by Charnwood Borough Council are authorised to issue fixed penalty notices for dog control, respond to reports of dog fouling and carry out patrols of dog fouling 'hot spots'.

A penalty will be set at £100 with a discounted sum of £50 if paid within ten days. We may prosecute anyone who fails to pay the fixed penalty notice.

For further information please see Charnwood Borough Council's website:


Last updated: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 06:57