17th September 2024

Search Hoton Parish Council

Hoton Parish Council Serving the people of Hoton, Leicestershire

Planning Applications

Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the Borough Council directly. Parish councils receive details of applications and are consulted on them. They can submit their views (taking into account parishioners' views), but the Borough Council primarily look to a parish to provide local insight and may not follow the parish's view. The public should send comments to both the Parish and Borough Council within any deadline period. The Parish Clerk's contact details are at the top of the page. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.

Mon, 3 Oct 2022

Tree and vegetation removal to area identified on map in red, and also to remove all trees and vegetation to create access track for works to be completed shown edged yellow. To prevent further damage to high retaining wall.

7 Rempstone Road Hoton Leicestershire LE12 5SJ

Thu, 31 Aug 2023

T3 Maple (Field) : Remove Tree T4 Beech : Remove Tree The tree works are proposed to stop the influence of the tree(s) on the soil below building foundation level and provide long term stability.

St Leonards Church Wymeswold Road Hoton Leicestershire LE12 5SN

Wed, 12 Oct 2022

T1 - Mulberry - crown reduction and general pruning T2 - Apple - general pruning T3 - Quince - general pruning T4 - Plum - general pruning T5 - Cherry - general pruning T6 - Silver Birch - height reduction approx 2m T7 - Crab Apple - general prunin

1 - 3 Loughborough Road Hoton Leicestershire LE12 5SF

Thu, 17 Aug 2023

Tree in the front garden - Whole Tree Removal

19 Loughborough Road Hoton Leicestershire LE12 5SF

Fri, 1 Sep 2023

Oak Tree in Beech hedge at front of property: Crown Reduce by 30% to clear from phone wires and highway.

Aysa Cottage 2C Hollytree Close Hoton Leicestershire LE12 5SE

Tue, 20 Aug 2024

Erection of two storey rear extension and alterations to front facade and fenestration

28 Loughborough Road,Hoton,Leicestershire,LE12 5SF

Tue, 25 Apr 2023

T1 Mulberry T2 Horse chestnut T3 Norway maple All trees to be crown reduced by no more than 2 metres in height and less than 2 metres laterally, from first foliage twig to best pruning points. T1 & T3 have branches overhanging the adjacent access road, horseboxes and agricultural vehicles are making contact with the lower branches which need to be shortened or removed to create clearance.

Holts House 25 Wymeswold Road Hoton Leicestershire LE12 5SN

Fri, 1 Sep 2023

1 (Ash) : Whole Tree Removal 2 (Damson) : Whole Tree Removal 3,4,5 (Cherry No3) : Whole Tree Removal for all 3 trees Applicant intends to replace cherries with 3 saplings

Falcon House 38 Loughborough Road Hoton Leicestershire LE12 5SF

Thu, 2 May 2024

Retrospective Full Planning Application for the change of use of part of runway at Wymeswold Airfield to B8 Storage and Distribution (for Motor Vehicles) with associated works and proposed internal access road to link Burton Road (TO BE CONFIRMED)

Land off Prestwold Lane Prestwold Leicestershire

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

Reserved Matters application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of development for 56 no. dwellings (as allowed at appeal under appeal reference APP/X2410/W/22/3310932 on 26/07/2023 (P/21/1105/2)

Loughborough Road Burton On The Wolds Leicestershire

Fri, 19 Apr 2024

Discharge of Conditions 11 (Construction Traffic Management Plan ) and 13 (Travel Plan) of Planning Application ref: P/22/1728/2 (Proposed erection of 21 industrial units (Class B2/B8 and E(g)) with associated site works incorporating access, parking, delivery vehicle turning areas and landscaping)

Land South of Wymeswold Industrial Estate off Burton Lane Wymeswold Lane Wymeswold Leicestershire

Mon, 3 Jun 2024

Discharge of Conditions 3 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) and 6 (Trees and Hedges) of Planning Application ref: P/22/1728/2 (Proposed erection of 21 industrial units (Class B2/B8 and E(g)) with associated site works incorporating access, parking, delivery vehicle turning areas and landscaping)

Wymeswold Industrial Park Wymeswold Lane Wymeswold Leicestershire

Mon, 26 Jun 2023

To vary s106 obligation relating to permission reference P/19/0041/2 in respect of Affordable Housing provisions (amend mortgagee exemption clause)

Land off Melton Road Burton on the Wolds LE12 5AL

Tue, 19 Dec 2023

Erection of detached two storey dwelling with associated parking, widened access and associated amenity space and landscaping.

28 Sowters Lane Burton On The Wolds Leicestershire LE12 5AL

Thu, 15 Jun 2023

Application for Approval of Reserved Matters relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of Outline Planning Permission P/21/0615/2 for the erection of up to 60 residential dwellings (Revised layout received 26.10.2023)

Sturdee Poultry Farm,30 Sowters Lane,Burton On The Wolds,Leicestershire,LE12 5AL

Tue, 4 Jul 2023

Erection of 6no. dwellings and associated access, parking and landscaping (following demolition of existing buildings) Amended Plans (design amendments) recieved 6.11.2023

Sturdee Poultry Farm,30 Sowters Lane,Burton On The Wolds,Leicestershire,LE12 5AL

Mon, 27 Nov 2023

Discharge of Planning Condition 10 (Construction Management Plan) of Planning Application ref:P/21/0615/2 (Outline Application for the erection of up to 60 residential dwellings, with all matters reserved except access)

Sturdee Poultry Farm 30 Sowters Lane Burton On The Wolds Leicestershire LE12 5AL

Thu, 26 May 2022

Installation of 2x9m light poles.

Walton Grange Bandalls Lane Walton On The Wolds Leicestershire LE12 8JH

Fri, 13 Oct 2023

T1 Oak - Crown reduce by 8 metres, Cut back from first foliage twig to best pruning points, this may be done using fracture pruning and veteranisation techniques. Works due to basal and stem decay likely caused by historic bad pruning. Evidence of vertical cracks. Client wishes to maintain a more compact tree which if it failed would likely fall within their land. T2 Cherry - Crown reduce by cutting back to best pruning points from first foliage twig, 1.8 metres in lateral and vertical growth to be removed to leave a more compact tree. T3 - Yew - Cut back as necessary lateral and vertical branches growing over or close to the adjacent dwelling. Create a one metre clearance from the gable and clear roof of the adjacent property. Crown lift/cut back branches overhanging the adjacent footpath. 2.8 metre clearance on the adjacent footpath from lower branches overhanging. Neighbours concerned with overhang, branches touching house, chimney draw issues.

London House 55 London Lane Wymeswold Leicestershire LE12 6UB

Wed, 10 Jul 2024

Discharge of Conditions 4 (Materials), 6 (Construction Method Statemen),10 Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement Strategy) and 11 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) of Planning Application ref: P/24/0656/2 (Section 73 Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of Planning Application ref:P/22/0992/2 (Residential development of 3 dwellings, alterations to existing access, refurbishment of existing outbuilding and associated works). Variation to consist of changes to fenestration, materials elevational changes, internal alterations and changes to carports)

Land to the rear of 5 Far Street Wymeswold Leicestershire LE12 6TZ

Mon, 5 Sep 2022

Apple tree - Fell

35 Brook Street Wymeswold Leicestershire LE12 6TT

Mon, 25 Jul 2022

T1 Sycamore - Acer pseudoplatanus Crown reduction due to encroachment into neighbours garden, shade cast both gardens and re-landscaping works in client garden. Cut back vertical branches by 2.2 metres. Cut back lateral branches no more than 2.2 metres to create a more compact crown shape. Crown lift to 4.5 metres very lowest lateral branches which are currently close to touching the adjacent building.

39 Far Street Wymeswold Leicestershire LE12 6TZ

Last updated: Tue, 31 May 2016 12:21